August 19, 2011

Why the Arab Spring Will Turn Into the Arab Winter

from The New American

Wafa Sultan is an Arab-American woman who was born in Syria, raised in the Islamic faith of her ancestors, rebelled against it, and emigrated to the U.S. She could not abide a faith that denigrates women and treats them worse than slaves. She’s written an extraordinary book, A God Who Hates, which for the non-Islamic reader explains why the so-called Arab Spring may well turn into another Arab Winter.

For me, the most compelling statement in her book sums up why the Western world has had such a difficult time understanding the Muslim mind. It sums up why it is virtually impossible to be optimistic about the future of the Arab world:
“When we were young, our elders drummed a saying into us: ‘We love death as much as our enemy loves life.’ A man imbued with a culture of death cannot be a human being, because a person’s humanity is not complete unless he respects human life and takes action to protect it."
Please read the rest of this article, it is an excellent excerpt from Wafa Sultan's book, A God Who Hates.


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