January 14, 2013

Ben Shapiro Whips Progressive Bully Piers Morgan On 2nd Amendment

by CarterFliptMe

In case you missed it, this is how one defeats Progressive bullying in the media. Well done, Ben Shapiro, Editor at Breitbart.com, Syndicated columnist, Editor-At-Large, co-host on KRLA/KTIE, Harvard Law, Freedom Center Fellow, author of Bullies - How the Left's Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans.

January 2, 2013

Movie Celebrities Shooting It Up On Film While Demanding A Plan On Gun Control

by CarterFliptMe

A wonderful illustration of the hypocrisy of leftist celebrities who obviously haven't thought through their 'opinions'. Anything that requires thought beyond bumper-sticker level is way over the heads of the average Hollywood liberal. Love it!

via Mike Hunt on youtube and iOwnTheWorld